m3uEdit iconm3uEdit v2.2
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Shareware, $10. For other quantities please use the Contact form or email "m3uEdit at SlashbackAssociates.com" for more information.
This trial version asks for payment once per day when the program is first started, but is then fully functional (no time limit). After paying for registration, a link to a version without this request will be provided.

m3uEdit is an m3u playlist creator/editor. You can drag-n-drop ANY type of files from Windows Explorer and they will be added to the end of the playlist. It accepts any filetype so that playlists for any media type can be made. For instance, Windows Media Player can play videos, WMA, and MP3 files from a single playlist.

m3u files can be opened through the menu or toolbar, or can be simply dropped on the gray background. If "m3uEdit in m3u file context menu - Include" (see Options) is selected, m3uEdit will be available in the context menu.

Once a file is opened (or created), any media file(s) (actually, any file at all) can be dropped onto the white file background and it/they will be inseted into the list at the position dropped, or at the end of the list. You can drag the filenames around to get them in the order you want.

Several m3u files can be open at once within m3uEdit. Items from one list can be highlighted and dragged to another list. In general, m3uEdit will only have one session open at a time; if you open another file via the context menu, it will open in the m3uEdit session already running.

The display and print font can be changed with the standard Windows font selection dialog box. If "Remember font between sessions - Remember" is selected in options (see below) then the same font will be used the next time you open m3uEdit.

The drive letter or complete path can be removed from the playlist items by choosing the appropriate menu item or toolbar button. If some items are highlighted, only those will be changed, otherwise all entries in the list will be changed.

Finally, the playlist can be printed with the font of your choice.

"Include m3uEdit in m3ufile context menu" Selecting "Include" puts m3uEdit in the context menu of the m3u filetype. One problem with this is that mp3 players are notorious for changing the mp3 and m3u filetypes, which means you lose your context menu entries. If this happens, you can run m3uEdit, go to Options, click "Do Not Include" and then "Include" and click Ok. This will put m3uEdit into the new filetype's context menu.

"m3u file in Explorer New context menu" Chooing "Include" will add "M3U file" to the default Windows Explorer "New" context menu so you can create a new (empty) file in any folder by right clicking.

"Remember font between sessions" If "Remember" is selected, m3uEdit will open using the font last in use.

Suggestion are always welcome. Email "m3uedit at SlashbackAssociates.com".

m3uEdit was developed using Borland Delphi.
Distribution package created with Inno Setup.

version 2.2.4
Minor interface corrections to trial version.

version 2.2.2
bug fix: error closing multiple windows.
Remembers Open and Save directories.
Uses long filenames.
Uses printer selection dialog.
Other minor bug fixes and enhancements.

version 2.2
Added toolbar.
"Remove Drive" will do selected items or all (if none selected).
Can save font info between sessions.

version 2.1
Drop m3u file on background to open it.
Can now change font.

version 2.0
MDI (Multiple Document Interface).
Drag-n-drop between playlists.
Can now print playlists.
Option to add new m3u file to Explorer's New-> context menu.
"Remove Path" will do selected items or all (if none selected).

version 1.1
Can "Remove Paths" to leave only filenames in list.
Now always uses correct m3u (Windows) filetype.

version 1.0
Took a clue from MFC and switched to document/view architecture.

version 1.0
Created it.

“What do you tell them?”
“To be captains of their own fates.”
“Profound.  Who’s going to be the crew?”
John & Claire, Artifact, Gregory Benford