Thumbnail Browser iconThumbnail Browser

Freeware for personal use. For other purposes please contact "Sales at".

Point Thumbnail Browser to a folder- or drop one on the browser window- and it will make a thumbnail of every picture file it recognizes. Click on a thumbnail and a preview slides out. Double-click a thumbnail and a view window opens with the picture. Double click the view window and a full-screen view opens. Double click the full-screen view and it will close.

The toolbar lets you open a folder, show the picture in a view window, show it in full-screen mode, change preferences, and open a help window (which shows this file).

In the view window or in full-screen mode the picture can be resized by stretching it to the window or using the menus to reduce or enlarge it (or use keyboard shortcuts; see below). If the picture is bigger than the window, you can drag the picture around or use the scroll bars. You can also rotate the image.

Keyboard shortcuts
Thumbnail Browser was designed to be easily used with the keyboard. There are a number of keyboard shortcuts. One set uses the numeric keypad, handiest for full size keyboards. Another set is on the main keyboard, mainly for use on laptops. Note that you do NOT hold the Command key for these. Here they are:

In thumbnail window:
Arrow keys, Home, End, Page Up and Page Down select thumbnails.
Show preview: spacebar
View: Enter or Return

View full-screen: = or ;
Close any window: 0, spacebar or Escape

In view window or full-screen mode:
Fit image to window: /
Show image full size: * or '
Reduce: - or ,
Enlarge: + or .
Scroll: arrow keys
Scroll one pixel: Command or Control with arrow keys
Rotate: 7

In full-screen mode:
change background color: c
show/hide menu: m
The only reason the show the menu is to see how a picture would look as a desktop background. These can also be set in Preferences.

In the thumbnail window you can drag a thumbnail to any place a picture can be dropped. Note that if you drop it on a finder window OSX moves it by default (hold Option to copy). The thumbnail will still be visible if the file is moved but you will get an error if you try to view it. To refresh the thumbnails you have to reopen the folder.

In the view window you can save the file, usually if you have resized or rotated the image. The file can be saved in any format your system supports. You can also print the picture (save to PDF is in the print dialog). The picture will always be printed as large as possible on the page.

In full-screen mode it is easy to create desktop background pictures. Turn on the menu bar (press m) to see how it will fit, then use the screen capture keyboard shortcut built in to OSX: Command-Shift-3. This saves the full screen to a new PDF on the desktop. Set your desktop background to this new file.

There are a number of options available in Preferences. Hopefully, these explain themselves.

Suggestion are always welcome. Please include the product name in the subject line of any email.
Use the Contact form or email "ThumbnailBrowser at".

The ravens fluttered out with what looked to Liz like a careful show of not being too hasty but really moving rather fast.
Liz, Pyramid Power, Eric Flint & Dave Freer