§ ListViewWndProc
A way to handle some messages for TListView without subclassing a new component. In particular, this provides the EditCancel event that Delphi does not provide, and allows hiding the horizontal scrollbar which can be a problem in some circumstances.
type TForm1 = class(TForm) private { Private declarations } ... fListViewWndProc: TWndMethod; procedure ListViewWndProc(var msg: TMessage); ... end;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ... fListViewWndProc := ListView1.WindowProc; ListView1.WindowProc := ListViewWndProc; ... end;
procedure TForm1.ListViewWndProc(var msg: TMessage); var oldStyle, newStyle: integer; begin //get listview edit cancel event //https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/borland.public.delphi.vcl.components.using/4Wp-bHioono YAY Brad Stowers! if msg.Msg = CN_NOTIFY then begin if TWMNotify(msg).NMHdr^.code = LVN_ENDLABELEDIT then with PLVDispInfo(Pointer(TWMNotify(msg).NMHdr))^ do if (item.pszText = nil) and (item.iItem <> -1) then ListViewEditCanceled(item.iItem); //edit canceled. iItem = index end; //hide horizontal scrollbar //http://codeverge.com/embarcadero.delphi.vcl.using/hiding-scrollbars-for-dbctrlgrid/1067707 Peter Below if msg.Msg = WM_NCCALCSIZE then begin oldStyle := GetWindowLong(ListView1.Handle, GWL_STYLE); if fHideHScroll then newStyle := oldStyle and not WS_HSCROLL else newStyle := oldStyle or WS_HSCROLL; if newStyle <> oldStyle then SetWindowLong(ListView1.Handle, GWL_STYLE, newStyle); end; fListViewWndProc(msg); end; //ListViewWndProc
last edited on March 2nd, 2016 at 1:39 PM
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