§ TWMSizing record for Delphi
One way to control custom window sizing is to use the WM_SIZING message, but Delphi doesn't give you what you need to do so.
My (old) copy of MSDN shows:
WM_SIZING fwSide = wParam; // edge of window being sized lprc = (LPRECT) lParam; // screen coordinates of drag rectangle
which is identical to WM_MOVING. Actually, the MSDN pages for WM_MOVING and WM_SIZING are nearly identical. In fact, WM_MOVING uses the constants for WM_SIZING, e.g. WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT. I can't think why; I never seen a Windows window movable by anything but the titlebar. Intrestingly, the Windows.pas unit has the WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT et. al. constants, although I don't see them used elsewhere in the source.
TWMMoving from Messages.pas:
TWMMoving = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Edge: Integer; DragRect: PRect; end;
which has no result. I mean, MSDN says, "An application should return TRUE if it processes this message." (That goes for either WM_MOVING or WM_SIZING.)
So here's TWMSizing:
type TWMSizing = packed record Msg: Cardinal; Edge: Integer; DragRect: PRect; Result: Longint; end;
This lets you do something like:
procedure WMSizing(var Message: TWMSizing); message WM_SIZING; ... procedure TForm2.WMSizing(var Message: TWMSizing); begin case Message.Edge of WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT: begin Message.DragRect.Bottom := Top + Height; //can make it wider but not taller Message.Result := 1; //return TRUE end; WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT: begin Message.DragRect.Left := Left; //can make it taller but not wider Message.Result := 1; //return TRUE end; end; end;
last edited on May 7th, 2010 at 6:38 PM
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